Doing the job, or just an online course in front of a computer without music feel bored? definitely cool if you sit in front of the computer u can play music, of course? you already have winamp? WMP? or something else? feels lagg? if you use mediaplayer coupled with other programs for your other? of course, winamp, takes a lot of source, well here I want to share mediaplayer really friendly memory aka low source .. and then name is 1by1_v1.73 full plugin (latest version), I can guarantee you will feel comfortable with using mediaplayer, which requires only a small source. lets download , find link below !
Info : Portable Software worked to xp,vista,7
Link Download : 1by1_v1.73(full plugin)
Special Thanks To :
My Friend Eos350d@kaskus
All Indonesian Citizen
All Visitor
5 komentar:
wah keren nih softwarenya sob ane ijin nyedot ia thank you
ok bro silakan gratis ko mediafire ^_^
Software musik ini baru ya, bedanya apa sama winamp, jetaudio? Trus kapasitasnya berapa itu kalo udah diinstall di komputer mas? Maaf mas saya taunya cuma winamp sama Jet Audio aja.... hehehehe
nah kelebihan software ini , ga usah instal2an , langsung pake , ini portable , lihat screenshoot , file sizenya saja hanya kurang lebih 2-3MB saja .. so tunggu apalagi lebih enak pake ini daripada winamp (itu kalo menurut saya )
Thank`s Gan, Izin sedot Ya? -(o,o)-
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